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wengae Hansson

Pediobius wengae Hansson, antenna lateral, female.

Pediobius wengae Hansson, head frontal, female.

Pediobius wengae Hansson, thoracic dorsum, female.

Pediobius wengae Hansson, propodeum+petiole, female.

Pediobius wengae Hansson, gaster dorsal, female.

Original description

Hansson, C. 2002. Eulophidae of Costa Rica, 1. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 67:168.




Frons and vertex predominantly smooth; scutellum with a median groove in anterior 1/3-1/2, with weak reticulation, meshes elongate and parallel, posterior 1/4 smooth; posterior margin of dorsellum tridentate; propodeum with a narrow median groove, submedian carinae absent; petiole 0.8X as long as wide in female, 1.2X as long as wide in male; first gastral tergite in female smooth.


Costa Rica.


Gregarious endoparasitoid in larva of Aegithus sp. (Coleoptera: Erotylidae), 28? 4? emerging from one prepupa.


Depository of primary type

Holotype female in Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, England.